Would be awesome to be able to enter in the cost of your car in settings, such as insurance and payment, to calculate the actual total cost of driving your car vs just the fuel cost
Would be awesome to be able to enter in the cost of your car in settings, such as insurance and payment, to calculate the actual total cost of driving your car vs just the fuel cost
The idea behind this app is great - shows you all your options for getting from A to B in one spot. It falls short when its telling me that a 22km trip is going to cost me $8.50 in my car, and that taking the TTC (Toronto transit) will be $12. These are just incorrect numbers. Also, the fact that its now owned by one of the car share companies (Car2Go) makes me think that it wont be objective, and try to make their car service seem to be the least expensive or quickest option when it may not be.
Great idea in theory. But: Time estimates are totally wrong for car and bike. Bike calorie count is always 1? It doubles the transit fares even though transfers are free. It doesnt suggest bikeshare or careshare routes It seems to have lots of nice notification options, but the experience is so awkward that its just not worth trying it out.
This app seems to be a very good app for planning car-free trips from point A to B. However, once it turns on location services, these seem to run all the time, even if the app is closed or the phone has been shut down. When I am done with the app, I want tracking turned off and right now the only way to do that is to disable the app in location services.
Sound like a great idea and it could be but so far all its done for me on my 5s is crash repeatedly.
IOS 8.0. This app is a big problem. I have not opened this app in the past 7 days. Background refresh is off. Yet, the battery meter on my iPhone 5 tells me that RideScout has used 31% of my battery! That helps to explain poor battery life in recent weeks. Obviously I need to delete this badly written app from my iPhone. Maybe they will get it right some day.
The app crash one second after starting, I tried 10 times same result crash
Installed on my iPhone 6, in Vancouver, BC, Canada. It crashes every time I launch it. What gives? Totally flawed. Waste of resources. Wonder how it ever made it into the App Store.
Most transit apps do a great job telling conveying real time information, bus stops, etc. But very few help you get from the curb you’re standing on to the door you’re heading to. RideScout transit directions walked me to the bus stop, got me on the right bus, alerted me when to get off the bus, and then provided accurate directions to complete my journey. It was the total trip experience—love having multiple options to choose from when the bus is late. Thanks Ridescout!
The app provides me with all alternative transportation options in downtown Austin and a ton of cities across the U.S. and Canada. I get around using a couple of alternatives such as carshare, rideshare, bikeshare, carpool and even public transportation. All in a single app. Love it!
For someone new to the city it has become an integral part of me getting around. Download the app
I love this iOS app. Its innovative, always improving and its motive to reduce traffic congestion and single occupancy vehicles is clear. I use this app as a student to get around Austin when I need to take the bus somewhere or want to try one of the new ride providers based in Austin. The bikeshare feature is especially great because I can now use B-Cycle to bike to Zilker Park by simply putting in my point A and B, entering in my payment info and walking down to the B-Cycle station on Guadalupe (which is 2 minutes from my home). I also love the transit feature because I am constantly using the Metro Rapid to get to my internship downtown and want to know the best time to leave my house to get to the bus stop. The transit schedule is easily accessible, alerts me 5 minutes before the bus is set to arrive, and also shows how many minutes it will take me to get to my destination. Fabulous. I definitely never use Google Maps anymore trying to get around town and had never heard of the Carma carpooling app (actually I never knew carshare existed) before downloading RideScout. Awesome stuff.
I am a big fan of combining transit options, with car2go and Bike share. RideScout is the only App that combines them for me. I travel a lot so I am always in different cities with metro systems I dont know well. In addition, the "compass" allows me to orient very quickly. Im looking forward to being able to pay inside the App. When is that coming?
This app has been such a great tool in helping me get around everyday by showing me times and prices of all my options. I love that this app includes more than just public transportation and shows me every option around me. RideScout has been especially great for when I travel and am unfamiliar with what my options are. I also love that I can sort by cost and have an idea of how much I will be paying for every option. This app has definitely introduced me to options I would have never tried. For example, after seeing how convenient and affordable zipcar was, I ended up getting a membership. The app also introduced me to other useful transportation options like sidecar! Lastly, I appreciate that Ridescout shows me REALTIME transit. I highly recommend this transportation app. It has become one of the most useful apps on my phone! So glad I found out about this.
It works well in realtime, but harder to use it for planning. Bicycle routing is odd and sometimes routes the cyclist onto unlawful routes.
I absolutely love this app! My favorite thing is I can see all of the options to get around San Diego and Los Angeles in one app!!! I can search by length of trip or cost. I love that I can book my car2go in the app. Since using the app I ve ditched my car for the most part walk more, car2go more, and ride transit more because I always know how much and how long it will take me to get from A to B.
RideScout is helpful because I dont always think of all my options when it comes to getting around town. It shows me cabs, buses, carpool options, etc... How much its going to cost, time it will take, routes, and what not.
This app continues to get better. I really like the integration of the ride options on the bottom of the screen. Very helpful for me as often time I know what mode I want to take but need to see all the options for that mode. And thanks for allowing to quickly reverse the direction of the trip. Keep going!